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Fresh-ish Start

SUIT YOURSELF                                                                                            01/52



HNY Board Members!

December was a mind mosh pit. Within it, we had excitement for holiday time with family, recounting the previous 365 days and our accomplishments as forced by the new year cycle, a sprinkle of social anxiety and a bite sized existential crisis just in time for New Year's. 

Turn the corner and BOOM - you get a clean start. In reality, New Year's is just a continuation of time, but something about numbers changing on the calendar can force a new perspective and feeling like you can leave some of your previous mental weight behind and ”start again” lighter. 


New year, same me Graphics

When we think about it all, it’s just how society has trained us to think about our time here. This is a great thing to have to do - take into account what you appreciate and want to work harder on, what you can let go of and what you can prioritize. 

However, a common side effect of the collective reflecting on last year and creating resolutions for the year ahead can be comparison, confusion and self doubt about your current state. In reality, you may be exactly where you want to be. 

While we suit ourselves and get our ducks in a row, things are still feeling neither here nor there but regardless, we’re excited for what’s to come. While everyone around us seems to be getting their 2023 grand plans mapped out, we’re still in the process of dreaming some big things up and enjoying the haze of the holidays. 

The limbo is real. 

With any kind of change it can take a while before we feel our feet firmly on the ground. 2023 is here, but is 2022 really in the past? Are any of the past 3 years really behind us - did they even really happen? Confusion Susan is upon us. 

As we mark the 3 year anniversary of the pandemic, the lurch of how quickly the world slid back into its pre-pandemic life is almost as strong as the how fast we were initially pulled into a life of lockdown. 

For us, one of the best things that emerged from lockdown was everyone becoming hyper focused on what they were doing to pass the day to day with no external influence from society. No triggers of FOMO. No pressure to be places you don’t want to be. No feeling left behind or that you weren’t accomplishing enough, fast enough. You were merely concentrating on what really made you feel good and want to do good. 

While the past few years have taught us that the rate at which things change are unpredictable, it is possible to find our footing in what is important to us now. Our goal in 2023 is to take those learnings into this new year. 

Slow down. Say No when it suits you. Play more. Conquer more of what gets you jazzed. 

Maybe it's merely your morning coffee. Or perhaps a sip of something stronger. Alone time. Party time. Get shit done time. Bingeing that Netflix guilty pleasure. Just kidding, there is no guilt in pleasure over here. 

What do you do just for you?

Depending on what part of the world you live in, the pandemic may be over. Sort of. Either way, things can feel a little bit confusing. 

Masks can be seen blowing around in the streets, a tumbleweed memory of the virus. Working from home is the norm while going into the office feels like a habit of “the olden days”. The hand sanitizer has fallen to the bottom of our bags but remains a trusty accessory. 

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Let today’s priorities be your resolutions. And don’t forget to suit yourself. 


The Board with special contribution by Board Member Sarah Doar

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